Session 8: Towards patient-centered medicine

  • Experiences with shared decision-making in patients with endometriosis 
  • The quality of care delivered to patients from the patient perspective
  • A patient experience 
  • Roundtable discussion with representatives of patient associations

 Session 7:  Chronic pelvic pain at different stages of life.

  • Sexuality and pelvic pain through the life span 
  • Vestibulodynia versus vaginismus 
  • Vulvodynia in the elderly woman: Genitourinary syndrome of the menopause, and dermatological disorders. Diagnostic approach and therapeutic proposals 
  • Erectile dysfunction, orgasm and pain 
  • Pregnancy and childbirth in patients with chronic pelvic pain 


Session 2: Endometriosis and Pain

  • Mechanisms of pain in Endometriosis 
  • Medical treatment for endometriosis pain: an update 
  • Non-pharmacological and non-surgical therapies for endometriosis pain 
  • Predictors of treatment failure in patients with endometriosis-associated chronic pelvic pain 
  • Recurrence of pain after surgery, what to do?


Session 1: Transition from acute to chronic pain. Central sensitization.

  • Visceral chronic pain in the absence of injury: how to change paradigms 
  • When pain uncouple from harm: what do we understand for central sensitization? 
  • How can we diagnose central sensitization? 
  • When to operate and when not to operate? 
  • How how to manage a patient with central sensitisation for surgery/peri-operatively  


Workshop 2: Multidisciplinary management, from theory to practice

Clinical cases: Management of pelvic and perineal pain.
Discussion of 3 clinical scenarios by a panel of experts, to represent a multidisciplinary team of a chronic pelvic pain clinic. (3 blinded clinical cases), emulating a clinical committee on chronic pelvic pain. 
Theory is great, but how do you do it in practice?

Workshop 1: Infiltration and nerve block techniques

  • Trans-gluteal truncal and radicular diagnostic infiltrations
  • Infiltration of local anaesthetics / botulinum toxin in the levator ani, piriformis and internal obturator muscles 
  • Blockade of the coccyx, the sacroiliac joint and the ganglion impar 


Session 6 : Pelvic pain, chronicity and mental health

  • Anhedonia and chronic pain 
  • Trauma-informed  strategies and practices for physiotherapy: Working with complex trauma, sexual assault survivors in physiotherapy 
  • What does it mean to be anally retentive? Characteristics of anal personality and chronic pain 
  • Revelation and/or evocation of traumatic events during an interview: What to do and for what purpose? 


Session 5: Pelvic pain in the primary care setting.

  • How to improve ambulatory management of chronic pelvic pain? 
  • What are the basics of the clinical examination and complementary tests? 
  • The role of the general practitioner and the emergency physician in dealing with chronic pelvic pain 
  • The role of the physiotherapy in initial care 


Session 4: Coccygodynia, search for a consensus 

  • Diagnosis and pathophysiological mechanisms 
  • Association of coccydynia and pudendal neuralgia. 
  • Manual therapy for the treatment of coccygodynia 
  • Medical and surgical management of coccygodynia. 


Session 3: Neuroscience of movement in pelvic pain

  • Biomechanics of the pelvis 
  • Therapeutic exercise in chronic pain 
  • Involvement of walking in chronic pelvic pain. Relationship between goat and chronic pelvic pain.
  • Pyramidal syndrome in chronic pelvic pain. 
  • Lumbar pathology and chronic pelvic pain 


Welcome from Convergences PP

Dear friends,

Thanks to all of you, Convergences-PP became, during the last decade, the main European scientific society dedicated to Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP).

The annual congresses are an important moment in the life of Convergences-PP. Indeed, they allow to bring together multi-disciplinary actors in the care of CPP, who come from backgrounds very different and this also greatly contributes to the richness of our debates. The annual congress of Convergences-PP is also a deadline for finalizing or setting up new lines of research, essential for the advancement of knowledge on this topic. 

Convergences-PP promotes and develops exchanges, scientific work, their validation as well as the dissemination of knowledge on the topic of CPP. 

Scientific research, consensus, and dissemination of knowledge are numerous.
We can cite in particular the Convergences PP criteria for pelvic central sensitization, the recommendations on the management of pudendal nerve entrapments, CPP after vaginal meshes implantation, the consensus for the first-line treatments in provoked vestibulodynia, the good practice guidelines for pudendal infiltrations or botulinum toxin injections.

We had an exciting congress last year in Rome and our next meeting will take place this year in Barcelona, on October 19-21th. 

Do not hesitate to share your experience on CPP, by presenting an abstract. Each of us has his place and his contribution to the building knowledge in CPP.

We will be received by Lara Quintas and Oriol Porta. I know that they are going to reserve us a fantastic welcome.

Convergences PP annual congress is also well known for the exceptional moments of friendships and conviviality. The wonderful city of Barcelona will participate with its charm, culture and exceptional history.

Come to Barcelona, because I have the strong intuition that this congress will be important by its scientific quality and that we will have exceptional moments of friendships and conviviality.

Eric Bautrant

President of the Convergences-PP

Queridos amigos, queridas amigas,

Gracias a todos vosotros, Convergences-PP se ha convertido, durante la última década, en la principal sociedad científica europea dedicada al Dolor Pélvico Crónico (DPC).

Los congresos anuales son un momento importante en la vida de Convergences-PP. En efecto, permiten reunir a actores pluridisciplinares de la atención al DPC, que proceden de horizontes muy diferentes, lo que contribuye en gran medida a la riqueza de nuestros debates. El congreso anual de Convergences-PP es también una fecha límite para finalizar o establecer nuevas líneas de investigación, esenciales para el avance del conocimiento sobre este tema. 

Convergences-PP promueve y desarrolla los intercambios, los trabajos científicos, su validación así como la difusión de los conocimientos sobre el tema de la CPP. 

Las investigaciones científicas, los consensos y la difusión de conocimientos son numerosos.

Podemos citar en particular los criterios de Convergences PP para la sensibilización central pélvica, las recomendaciones sobre el tratamiento de los atrapamientos del nervio pudendo, la CPP tras la implantación de mallas vaginales, el consenso para los tratamientos de primera línea en la vestibulodinia provocada, las guías de buena práctica para las infiltraciones pudendas o las inyecciones de toxina botulínica.

El año pasado celebramos un emocionante congreso en Roma y nuestra próxima reunión tendrá lugar este año en Barcelona, del 19 al 21 de octubre. 

No dude en compartir su experiencia sobre la PPC, presentando un resumen. Cada uno de nosotros tiene su lugar y su contribución a la construcción del conocimiento en CPP.

Nos recibirán Lara Quintas y Oriol Porta. Sé que nos van a reservar una acogida fantástica.

El congreso anual de Convergences PP también es conocido por los momentos excepcionales de amistad y convivencia. La maravillosa ciudad de Barcelona participará con su encanto, su cultura y su excepcional historia.

Venid a Barcelona, porque tengo la fuerte intuición de que este congreso será importante por su calidad científica y que tendremos momentos excepcionales de amistades y convivencia.

Eric Bautrant

President of the Convergences-PP

Chers amis, chères amies,

Grâce à vous, Convergences-PP est devenue, au cours de la dernière décennie, la principale société scientifique européenne dédiée à la Douleur Pelvienne Chronique (DPC).

Les congrès annuels sont un moment important dans la vie de Convergences-PP. En effet, ils permettent de réunir des acteurs pluridisciplinaires de la prise en charge de la DPC, venant d’horizons très différents, ce qui contribue grandement à la richesse de nos débats. Le congrès annuel de Convergences-PP est également une échéance pour finaliser ou mettre en place de nouvelles lignes de recherche, essentielles pour l’avancée des connaissances sur ce sujet. 

Convergences-PP favorise et développe les échanges, les travaux scientifiques, leur validation ainsi que la diffusion des connaissances sur le thème des DPC. 

Les recherches scientifiques, les consensus et la diffusion des connaissances sont nombreux.

On peut citer notamment les critères de Convergences PP pour la sensibilisation centrale pelvienne, les recommandations sur la prise en charge de la compression du nerf pudendal, la DPC après l’implantation de prothèses vaginales, le consensus pour les traitements des vestibulodynies provoquées, les recommandations pour les infiltrations du nerf pudendal où les injections de toxine botulique.

Nous avons eu un congrès passionnant l’année dernière à Rome et notre prochaine réunion aura lieu cette année à Barcelone, du 19 au 21 octobre. 

N’hésitez pas à partager votre expérience sur la DPC en présentant un résumé. Chacun d’entre nous a sa place et sa contribution au développement des connaissances en matière des DPC.

Le congrès annuel de Convergences PP est aussi connu pour ses moments exceptionnels d’amitié et de convivialité. La merveilleuse ville de Barcelone y participe avec son charme, sa culture et son histoire exceptionnelle. Dans ce congrès, nous serons formidablement accueillis par Lara Quintas et Oriol Porta.

Venez à Barcelone, car j’ai la forte intuition que ce congrès sera important par sa qualité scientifique et que nous aurons des moments exceptionnels d’amitié et de convivialité.

Eric Bautrant

President of the Convergences-PP